Daily Archives: September 28, 2011

Lessons Learned

I’m not the best housewife, or cook, or parent. As most of us do, I learn as I go, and in 17 and a half years of marriage and parenthood, I have learned a few things:

  1. There is a difference between baking powder and baking soda. This can mean the difference between muffins, and paperweights.
  2. Never put dishwashing liquid in a dishwasher. Unless you also need to shampoo the carpet in the living room.
  3. Bedroom doors are not made of solid wood. Any holes made by errant feet can be covered with a pretty kickplate.
  4. The only good thing about Berber carpeting is its ability to keep dogs entertained as it unravels.
  5. Spouses should never have similar looking razors. It can mean the difference between “baby smooth”, and “Leatherface”.
  6. Buttermilk is not made by adding butter to milk.
  7. Checking pockets prior to washing will not only save you from having to wipe down lipgloss in the dryer with cleaner, but can also net you a nice $20 tip.
  8. Water resistant does not mean waterproof, especially when it comes to watches, and mp3 players holding hours of music that you paid for.
  9. A child using a rake to clean up leaves outside is a Good Thing™. The same child using a rake to clean a room inside is not.
  10. Ceiling fans are NOT propellers. Nor are they for swinging toys like superheroes.

I’m sure y’all have your own list. Mine seems to be unending 😉