Childish Aspirations

We all had them. The inevitable “I wanna be fill-in-the-blank when I grow up!” Some were funny, some realistic, and the majority outrageously and wondrously fantastical.

When I was five, I wanted to be a ballerina. But not just any ballerina. I wanted to be the first ballerina in space. Yes, your humble hostess wanted to be a ballerinaut. I had no idea how to achieve that. I lived in a remote area where there were no dance schools and no where near NASA. But I still had that dream. And that one wasn’t the weirdest, either. For a brief time, I wanted to raise exotic fish, which sounds pretty normal until you find out I lived in a mountainous area and the only exotic fish I knew was Flipper (yes, I know Flipper was a mammal, but he was a fish to a five-year-old). There was also the time I wanted to be a wood worker, like one of the neighbors. It was magical to watch him take a raw piece of lumber and make a baseball bat (could have been a billy club, for all I know. It was a rough neighborhood!). Oh, and I won’t bore you with the details of being a car recycler.

It’s funny, but looking back now, some of those wishes are not as impossible as they used to seem. Sure, I will never be a ballerinaut, but I know that even here in the hinterlands there is a market for exotic fish. As for reclycling cars (yes, I thought of doing stuff like that when I was 13), that is actually a thing now. And though it took me several decades and it’s not exactly wood working, I now do furniture restoration. Learning the different types of woods and how to restore them has been not just educational, but fun. Having those childish aspirations should be goals, not just dreams. I do believe it is your psyche trying to guide you towards maturity, giving you hints as to your hidden talents. So don’t ignore the little voice in your head reminding you of your aspirations. It’s your conscience trying to steer you towards your happiness. 😉

About LC Aggie Sith

Machete-wielding zombie killer when not shopping for shoes. View all posts by LC Aggie Sith

7 responses to “Childish Aspirations

  • XBradTC

    I’ve made a conscious effort recently to utilize, and improve, some of the modest skills I’ve learned, and to learn new skills.

    Amazingly, not one effort has led to a visit to an actual emergency room.

  • Reiuxcat

    Growing up during the space race I wanted to be an astronaut. However, mom said I’d never be one because of my eyesight. After going through a few different chemistry sets, I wanted to be a research chemist, then mom decided I should be a chemical engineer with a degree from Texas A&M. That’s what I ended up doing. I finally got a job at the R&D facility which allowed me to play chemist and then scale up any positive learnings at the manufacturing facility for 14 years.

    I’ve since retired, but two years ago I got to consult in Ecuador over the summer, which was fun, just like the old days. A nice working vacation.

    Sure I miss the factory work. Now it’s gardening, some TV (currently binging the old Clone Wars cartoon series which will take awhile.) and my son and I have a new hobby (range time) that we do maybe a couple of times a month. I also currently have seven different varieties of chili peppers in the green house while I perfect the perfect fresh salsa, a multi-decade endeavor.

    The best part is having the time to help others, either subbing at the local schools or those who need a hand.

    (I have a old dining room table if your looking for a new project. 😉 )

  • MyrmidoNOT

    Thank you for sharing!
    (Although you misspelled ‘hotness’ after the word humble….)

    I’m just starting over on pursuing my dreams, after a two-year recovery from surgery. I almost lost my life, but I also learned the importance of all those dreams (which fuel the soul, if you will).

    So for now, I’ll apply all the things I’ve learned in the intervening six decades… I’m literally ‘starting over’ at a new place in Tennessee.

    It’s good to read your words, again.

    May the farce be with you…..


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